Dramatic Lighting of the Chess Board

This is how I chose to light my chessboard.

As shown in the image above, the lighting setup comprises two spot lights and one area light.

Two spot lights of complementary colours are diametrically opposed, casting lights on opposing profiles of two legions of pieces. I aim to show the dramatic animosity as if it’s a cartoon. Additionally area lamp with full specter is placed in the middle of the field to connect these two lighting bubbles. I think specter means how much ambient colour of the light affects the local colour of the board.

I also learnt that items such as lights and cameras can’t have modified property data applied.


You did an excellent job of lighting this scene, as it is very dramatic to say the least.

One question I have . . . you called the center light an “area lamp”, but it looks to me as if it’s a mesh light, as I haven’t scene Blender “lamps” take such an oval shape before. Are there special settings, such as size in the width and height of the lamp, that can give you such an effect?

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Yes. For area lamp in particular, there’s a drop-down for the shape, where you can choose among listed four shapes which give you great manoeuverability.

As shown in the above object data property panel.

It probably has to do with my positioning of the light. It’s kissing the ground xD
I haven’t learnt about mesh light ;D Looking forward to that.


Thank you for this, as I’m going to bookmark it. I’m a long time Blender user, but haven’t upgraded to the newer 2.8/2.9 versions yet, so this is definitely something I’m going to want to play with when I do. :wink:


Glad that helped. :smile:
I guess with the interface shift, it might take some transition.

Definitely, which is why I’ve procrastinated as far as updating to the newer versions, but will be doing so soon-ish. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Interesting use of an area lamp. Effective for your intentions.

One would assume it is a spot light. Logically the board might be lit by an overhead spotlight in real life.


As often seen over a billiard table. Yes, I can see that as well.


You’re right. :rofl: I surely didn’t stop to consider the real-life implication for that hovering ethereal area lamp. Thank you for pointing that out.

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