Dragon Conquest

Dragon Conquest

Dragons are trying to take over the world and the different races of the world must defend themselves against the onslaught

You are able to build different towers that will vary upon the race of that tower. Each races towers will look different and behave differently. Towers may be upgraded with magic to make them stronger by mages of that race. Each race can utilize magic and have different magic properties based on the race. The goal is to survive the dragon waves and defeat the dragon boss at the end of the wave. The player can harvest pieces from bosses and apply them to their towers.

Defeat all dragon minions and destroy the dragon boss at the end. Harvest pieces from bosses to customize towers. When dragon boss is defeated you will go to another races base and face a new wave of enemies including a new boss.

Medieval theme that also utilizes magic and different races such as dwarves, elves, humans, enchanted animals etc.

The dragon hoard is trying to take over the planet and is attacking all main bases of the other races of the planet. The different races of the planet band together to defeat the dragon horde and put an end to the dragon king. The dragons have awaken from a deep slumber and want to take over the planet to grow there race and use the other races as food.


  • Platform: PC/Mac/Linux
  • Aspect ratio: 1920 * 1080 16:9 (HD)
  • Input: Mouse

Stretch goals:

  1. Able to level up buildings and mix towers with different races

  2. Capture dragons and use them with your towers

  3. Create a boss tower for every level/ wave that you can mix powers to create

  4. Create an unlimited mode to see how long you can survive

  5. Every race can activate special powers to help their towers during enemy waves using built up kill points

  6. After N amount of kills the tower will activate a power up and go in over drive mode boosting the towers attributes based on the race


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