Download a game I uploaded?

It’s been awhile since I have made this game, and I am currently in school learning a different language. I would like to download the source to start attempting to convert it but can’t find how to download my game. Anyone know how or if I am even available to?

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Hello, also have simular problem, but I only wish download files that I uploaded. staff, please, help!

Hello again, support is answered my request:

There is no way to get the filed downloaded from Share My Game. I am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.

Hello, its meeee

Only way I see:
How to extract assets from Unity WebGL games (.unityweb files)

But full code not will be there and you get just jsons like this:
(This file is “PlayerCollisions.json” in “MonoBehaviour” folder, you get this if use the method on top)

  "m_GameObject": {
    "m_FileID": 0,
    "m_PathID": 26
  "m_Enabled": 1,
  "m_Script": {
    "m_FileID": 1,
    "m_PathID": 120
  "m_Name": ""

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