DOTS: Material color changing child objects of enities

Or general changing of any child components

In our example how do we change the head color ?

Hope this comes up in a future lecture pls @Nathan_Farrer

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Also wondering what’s the DOTS way of dealing with parenting. In the example @Nathan_Farrer changes the scale of the entity in the editor to make the body. But what if you wanted to deal with graphics as children components? Maybe we’re approaching this problem in a non-dots-friendly manner.

Hi Guys,

I am sorry this has slipped through the net and we are waiting for Nathan to get back to us on this.
I am not entirely sure how to do this myself but i have found a thread to pull on to get the child of the entity and store it so you should be able to get the material from that stored value.

Let me know if this helps at all in the meantime.

Once again apologies that its been so long since there was any contact from us on this

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