I tried to do something kinda creepy for Halloween, not sure if I got any creepy feeling in it but I’m still really happy with it.
I would love to hear what you think and get some tips/ideas on how to improve it.
That’s looking awesome Rival. Just the living room really. It looks like the living room is in a house where someone has moved out and taken the furniture. Perhaps some clutter or old tattered furniture to the sides would make it a little more creepy, would add some intrigue / tell more of a story and keeping it shadowed it would draw the viewers eye into the kitchen area where the contrast is high.
I really love the textures, especially the floor texture. It makes you wonder if it’s dirt or dried blood on the floor. I think not knowing exactly what it is makes the scene more chilling and the lighting really works. It’s not apparent where the light is coming from so it looks ethereal or ghostly.
Adding translucent ‘something’ should make it more creepy.
But, I like the composition, it has some oil painting resemblance. I think because of the floor (green white tiles).
Well done, especially on the sharpness (no fire flies)
Looks excellent overall - but those are gigantic glasses of… wine. In real life not a bad thing, but here they seem disproportionately large. For me it takes away from the immersion; they could be smaller and I think that would provide some helpful subtlety.
Thank you all for the feedback, always fun to hear what people think.
Think I’m going to call this project done now or else I’m going to keep changing things back and forth for weeks
I tried adding translucent ‘something’ but could not get it to look good, might try it again for another project.
Looks awesome RIval! Great job