Door rotates on wrong axis (pivot point)

Hey there,
as I got up to this lecture I was very excited about building the final game. I found some cool assets and got to the building straight away. But then I realized one problem, that I was not able to so solve on my own in the last few hours. The pivot point of the static mesh door asset is on the bottom but in the middle rather than on the side. So when rotating the door it’s more like a revolving door which is not what I was intended to do ^^.
So here is what I tried so far: I used ALT + middle mouse Button to change the pivot point in the editor. And then used Right Click → pivot → Set as pivot offset. And in the level editor it seems like its working and I can rotate around the right axis. But then changing the rotation through code or the Transform Box in the Editor still rotates around the wrong axis.
After that didn’t work I hoped into Blender and changed the origin point over there but as I imported it back in it still remained the same wrong pivot point.
For now I am out of ideas to try and I can’t find anything new on the internet so maybe some of you can help me out. I could just use a different door but somehow I really got intrigued and want to solve this.

Hi again,
what should I say? ^^ I just could not stop thinking about it and got a solution.
Moving the origin in Blender works, but the problem is that UE changes the origin automatically to the middle of the object when importing. So what you can do is in the FBX Import Options under Mesh untick “Transform Vertex to Absolute”, this solved my problem.
Sorry for posting and then solving it myself. Maybe I should have just waited a bit more. But who knows, maybe this will help someone in the future :).

Now I*m excited about going on with the project. And I really like the course btw.


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