// Called when the game starts
void UDoorRotate::BeginPlay()
float InitialYaw = GetOwner()->GetActorRotation().Yaw;
float CurrentTargetYaw = InitialYaw;
float FinalTargetYaw = InitialYaw + 90.f;
// Called every frame
void UDoorRotate::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)
Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *GetOwner()->GetActorRotation().ToCompactString());
CurrentTargetYaw = FMath::Lerp(CurrentTargetYaw, FinalTargetYaw, 0.05f);
FRotator CurrentRotator = GetOwner()->GetActorRotation();
CurrentRotator.Yaw = CurrentTargetYaw;
This is my DoorRotate.cpp as of part 99 of the new BuildingEscape. I was making my own method, and it didn’t work, so I decided to copy the video’s method. It still doesn’t work. Here’s the log when I only have one door:
LogTemp: Warning: R(0)
LogTemp: Warning: R(Y=-90.00)
LogTemp: Warning: R(Y=-180.00)
LogTemp: Warning: R(0)
LogTemp: Warning: R(0)
LogTemp: Warning: R(0)
LogTemp: Warning: R(0)
how is it changing by -90 degrees per frame, and then stopping at 0?
Thank you for helping me!