Don't get how to make keyboard work


I’ve set up Set Input Mode UI Only and set In Widget To Focus the start button, but I still only can click it with a mouse cursor or gamepax “X” (Dualshock4).

“Enter” keyboard buttons do nothing…


Do you have your project hosted anywhere?

Here is it:

Same thing happens with Ben’s. It happens when you click on the screen before pressing enter, if you do that you can press tab to select the button and it should work. Another workaround is to override the “On Key Down” function to do the same thing when Enter is pressed.

Ah, I see now. you’re right. Well, manual override is obvious, yes. My question was exactly about “automatic” focus for UI buttons…

So, it seems when click on the screen, the button loses focus?
As a web-developer, I see it very close to “tabindex” HTML attribute, but I don’t really get how it works in UE4, is there any property for UI buttons, or anything…?

Or it’s just about “default button” and nothing more?

Also, can I detect if button is focused? Or can I get the focused button?

No idea, haven’t really messed around with widgets enough to be able to tell you.

just wondering if this gets addressed in the future videos? Continuing with it but having issues if I press on the screen with the mouse I can’t load the level with the keyboard

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