Dont forget to remove your cheatcodes / Debug.Keys!

I know I did:P.

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As a preparation I put that part into a separate script. The debugging actions are a bit more complicated as they call “LoadNextLevel()” in another script for example, but I think it should be worth it to have a clean structure where all those debugging is concentrated into a single script.

What’s still missing now is how to leave that script (or at least having it connected with the player object) out of a release build…

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That a good idea^^. Will do this next game. Thanks:)

You’re welcome.

This is what I’ve done:


using UnityEngine;

public class DebugHelper : MonoBehaviour
    CollisionHandler ch;
    void Start()
        ch = gameObject.GetComponent<CollisionHandler>();

    void Update()
        if( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L))
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.C))
            ch.isCheating = !ch.isCheating;

and in my CollisionHandler.cs:

public class CollisionHandler : MonoBehaviour
    public bool isCheating = false;
    void StartCrashSequence()
        if( isCheating ) { return; }

This is a good Idea was thinking of doing it but didn’t bother in the end as its a few line of Code but in future games will definitely make it separate. Also @Paula I Forgot to remove mine and had to go back and rebuild :sweat_smile:

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