Don't Flail! Test101 Adventure game I made!

Spent a long time on the story and learning pixel art, when I swore I wouldn’t haha. It was a lot of fun but still have so many questions!
Link to my game “Don’t Flail”

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As long as you had fun then nothing else matters!

Thank you so much, I did! I spent a good while just laughing trying to make the choices seem right. Thanks for commenting on my other post, I definitely have a lot of room to improve on my writing though!

hey i tried your game and it was great. there were a couple little bugs. In one instance option #2 " get running" wasn’t working. and for some reason choking out the guard gets me a negative end screen, even though i succeed in getting out of the cell. i liked the asthetics though and enjoyed the game.

Thank you so much for the feed back! My brother let me know about the #2 and I fixed it on unity but guess I forgot to reupload it! If it makes you feel better they both lead to the next room aha.
Thank you so much for pointing out the choking bit! It is supposed to lead to your death but I got lost in writing and I guess made it successful, woops!

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