Doing ok I guess

Hey guys! I can’t really load the tutorial videos from work computer. However, I do have blender on here. I created this pyramid from memorizing the steps, in about 5 minutes. I have to say if I can recall this much detail this deep in, then I can say that yes, this course is going quite well and you folks are doing a fantastic job! At 12% completion I feel very confident in the way you deliver your instructions, the short cuts you provide are a god send. Anxious to learn more about materials, uv mapping and baking. Once I have this course finished I look forward to delving more into unity so that I can establish a strong knowledge of the symbiotic relationship between both tools. Have a look at my pyramid. I am half way through loop cuts video. Can’t wait to get home to continue

If you were able to do that from memory while at work, then I say “Good Job”. That is more than just “Doing ok I guess”. Your ability to memorize and execute at your convenience is a good thing. Don’t sell yourself short. And I agree with your comments about the pacing of the course and how they are teaching. It can feel basic, but without a good foundation [fundamentals] you can’t have strong lasting growth. Continue on with the good work.

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