DoF Shot Lesson #98

Depth of Field shots. One for closest knight and second for furthest knight.


Personally I find the red border a bit disturbing.
It diminishes your project a bit.
I understand creativity, but as a chess player, watching hours, glaring and staring at the board. It’s not pleasant.

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Thanks for the critique. The original color was gold but changed as I was setting up for animation scene and that border color was to fluctuate and change throughout the animation but had to just make some pics instead.
I had to put the animation project on the shelf as my computer can’t handle the increase to the demand on its old and limited resources and need to wait for the upgrade. The computer lag is very bad and was especially noticeable once I started adding textures and model size increase.
The upcoming parts of the course I may not be able to complete until the upgrade and the ETA for it is a little more than a month, until the order goes through anyway. Bummer :anguished: :frowning_face:

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I understand this hardware problem. I have the same issue when want to create animations.
I render mostly at night when I sleep. Starting two or three Blender instances to render parts.
I use this for images which I transfer to the Blender video tool, to create an movie.

When creating images, you can stop the process always and continue at the image you stopped.
So in the morning I see that bender is still busy, I stop the render. Look at the results so far (sometimes you see errors). Work on other projects. Go to bed and continue rendering images (stills).

Good luck!

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Thanks for responding. Rendering in Eevee slowed dramatically with textures and as the model size grew and had also been rendering when off the computer. I tried cyckes a while ago and just a small animation took days.
What made me decide to upgrade was the real time lag, I didn’t get to the rendering stage for this particular project. Everything was like working in molasses and the computer processes went through the roof just trying to move an object, lol. It gives me a good excuse to finally upgrade, which is a good thing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grin:

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