Doesn´t play the effects

It doesn´t work when I have the particle system as a child, only if I put it on the parent, could you please help me?

What effect are you having trouble with, Crash or FinishLine, We need a bit more information.

Have you made sure to refrence the particle system correctly in the engine by dragging it in.

can you post the .cs code of the file related to the particle your having problems with? e.g CrashDetector

Both crash effect and finish effect!


You are trying to find the particle systems on the object. They are not on the object so GetComponent<ParticleSystem>() returns null. You then set the systems you set in the inspector equal to the result (null) with this line. Now you don’t have references to the particle systems anymore

Just remove these lines from Start. You are setting the references in the inspector, so you don’t need to get them in Start

Thank you so much!!! Love you guys! :smiley:

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