Does word wrap exist?

Good day.

I am just starting out in c++ and I am trying to write a short introduction setting for this game and word wrap would be very helpful! Instead I am making all the sentences start from the beginning and it’s very time consuming if word wrap was in play that could be a whole new ballgame!


Finally! I feel vindicated.

I pointed this out rather early in the development of this section and wrote a fix for word wrapping behaviour. If you go into Source/BullCowGame/Console/Terminal.cpp

Change WrapLines to this

TArray<FString> UTerminal::WrapLines(const TArray<FString>& Lines) const
    TArray<FString> WrappedLines;
    for (auto CurrentLine : Lines)
            if (CurrentLine.Len() <= MaxColumns)
                int32 Index = CurrentLine.Find(TEXT(" "), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromEnd, MaxColumns + 1);
                Index = Index == INDEX_NONE ? MaxColumns : Index;
                CurrentLine = CurrentLine.RightChop(Index).TrimStart();
        } while (CurrentLine.Len() > 0);
    return WrappedLines;

I haven’t tested it on anything besides 4.22 but it should still work.

Sam’s reasoning for not taking this behaviour was because terminals don’t typically word wrap.

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