Does this different implementation of ClearPaintings() work better or worse?

I was just wondering whether this different implementation is somehow worse/better than the one shown in the video:

My implementation:

void UPaintingGrid::ClearPaintings()
	if (!PaintingGrid) return;
	TArray <UWidget*> WidgetList = PaintingGrid->GetAllChildren();

	for (UWidget* Widget : WidgetList)


Video imlementation:

void UPaintingGrid::ClearPaintings()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < PaintingGrid->GetChildrenCount(); ++i)
                USizeBox* CardContainer = Cast<USizeBox>(PaintingGrid->GetChildAt(i);
		if(!CardContainer) continue;



Perhaps it is just a style choice, but I think it is worth showing as it works just as good.

Either is fine. Basically the ClearChildren will be doing the same as your implementation.

Great! Thanks!

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