Does anyone feel like this course is rushing?

Does anyone feel like this course is rushing that you have to constantly to pause to understand ?


I’m usually the other way around… “Get to the point faster!”

Each to their own I suppose.


It’s pretty normal for newcomers to have to pause and rewatch while learning coding or using a game engine, while more experienced people will already know allot of these things and will feel like it’s going to slow for them.

I’d recommend just learning at your own pace, both ways is fine tbh.

Yes, I agree. I don’t feel the explanations are at the same level as Rick’s. With Tilevania, I understood the concepts that were presented as we went along. With this one so far I feel like I’m just following and then figuring it out myself at the end. Perhaps it’s just a more complex game that needs a faster pace to get through.


Yup its much faster than with Rick. Very rushed


I agree. The thing is, he tells us what the problem is and solves it, but he doesent explain where should we use these stuff or anything just gives the solution, i can see that he is experienced and knows what he is doing, but i dont think teaching is one of his best sides.


I agree, my main issue with this section of the course is that it just feels like a to-do list, i don’t feel like i am understanding the concept being introduced. i don’t get that “Oh i get it!” feeling that i get from the previous sections

I have to constantly look at the unity documentation or a youtube video on the specific topics for the concept to finally click in, which i never have to do on the previous section.

For example, from this video alone i have a hard time understanding Vector2.MoveTowards, specifically its third argument maxDistanceDelta, this explanation from googling is what helped me

It means that if you are moving toward target, then maxDistanceDelta is the distance added to step from current toward target . If the actual distance remaining is less than maxDistanceDelta, it will be placed on target position.


100% and not really explaining what he is doing or why. Was better before it was revamped.

Pretty much like the quiz master one…and i knew this was coming…i’m taking notes of everything, i already know that i will forget everything after a week past this section, because of the stuff that i not fully understand but just following along …

In your case I highly recommend the book the “C# Players Guide”. Although they do a good job at introducing people to C# in this course, it’s simply not enough time to get even a basic understanding if you haven’t done any programming before. The book has a lot of exercises that force you to do your own coding - when you come back to Unity, you will have a much better understanding.

while i’m agreeing with you on “learn more C# to understand more”, i’m also a bit disagree, because a course, especially one like this that it started from the very basics, needs to be a bit self contained on the knowledge required to complete it…
It feels odd that midway of the course you need to buy or checks other source material to just keep up with the rest. Who already knows stuff can skip things if they are bored …but the others are just left overwhelmed and sometimes left behind.
Most of the difficulties are more on the reasoning part than C# knowledge.
Somethimes he just wrotes entire line of codes without breaking down what is happening in there and why…not always, but it happens…and when he does, you can bet, you will see post like this pop ups under the lecture.
Gary is great, he have a multigalactical brain and maybe he needs to dumb down a bit for us sometimes, like Rick often does.

Yeah, I don’t disagree at all – I do find that is a fairly regular topic of discussion. But also, Rick tends to be the one who explains the “easier” topics, so he has a slight advantage there too. The problem with a fully self contained C# introduction is that people want to get through to the Unity stuff pretty quick, and probably don’t take their time with the basics, or even on each lesson.

In theory, there should be a bunch of practice between lessons to retain the information. That is why a book filled with exercises is good, because it forces you to learn, and not just nod along going “Oh yeah I get it”.

A self contained course that goes into enough detail to understand all the content required would be a much larger course - ie instead of five minutes on loops and arrays, they’d need several videos, with examples, exercises, challenges, and then the user would need to practice over and over as well. These types of topics can take a long time for new programmers to get their heads around, and in most Unity courses they are covered in about 5 minutes, which is not enough time.

It’s a bit like trying to learn guitar after watching a guy play in a video. I mean sure, you’ll learn something, but without practice…

In any case I don’t disagree with your overall point, but in practical terms, given the state of the course, most beginners would benefit greatly from learning C# properly before diving in. I know I had to - and I see the same is true for many, many others regardless of what course they take.

It’s not a problem limited to just courses either. On unity boards and forums (reddit etc) everyday I see people that have been following tutorials, copy pasting code, and not being able to make their own game without a tutorial. The fundamentals are so tempting to skip over. (I’ve been there so I understand).

Again though - your points are valid too, Gary has a different way of explaining things than Rick so I totally get that.

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