Does anybody has same issue with me?

I created a C# and named “Hacker”, then I opened the visual studio to write “Terminal.WriteLine(“Hello World”)”,

but I can not see the “hello world” on the terminal screen until I delete it and created another c# and named “Hacker1”, and write it again in the visual studio. After that, the word “hello world” finally showed up on the terminal screen, just like the picture 1 which below, so I was wondering if anybody has the same issue as me? Otherwise, can anybody tell me how to make the word which showed on the terminal screen became like the following picture2, and as you guys can see on picture 3, all the texts were listed in the same line. Thank you so much!

If you want them on three separate lines, then you need to put each one in its own individual line of code:


etc. and so forth. If you want blank lines in between, then you need to include those too.


Hope that helps.

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