Do you bother tidying up the internals of your models?

So here is my Tintin spaceship.

When rendered or put in a game engine it looks ok. However, in reality, its kind of messy. I made the legs by chopping up a bit of a torus, stretching it and shoving it between the body and foot. The dirty secret is that the legs project some way inside both the body and foot.

Now it’s all one object, diving inside and deleting the excess vertices would be time consuming and error prone. However, it would be more satisfying to make the edges join up where leg meets foot and body.

Do other people bother with this? Is there tooling to select and remove such excess structure?

I’ve not examined any commercial models to see what the standard practice is.



That looks useful!
I’ll have a play with it.

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Looked promising, but when I actually try this technique, although Interior Faces does usefully identify where I added a cone to the top of body


the bits of leg that project into the interior of the feet don’t get selected. Seems they don’t satisfy the definition of what constitutes an ‘interior face’ in this context.

Could do the tidy up manually if there is no automated method. One time saver I’ve found is to ‘cut across’ the bit of the leg that’s projecting inside the foot by deleting a connecting loop of vertices, then selecting on vertex of the marooned bit and selecting what’s connected to it via ctrl-L.

No doubt I’ve got the terminology all wrong in that description.

I’d have to tinker a bit with your model to understand why it didn’t select those faces. But, truth is - sumtimes we just have to do things the long way.

Also, you could delete those 6 faces stiking of the end of your leg. Then rotate the last edge-loop and move it just slightly to get it all in the foot.

Here’s a screengrab collection of what I meant…

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wow! Did you just make that demo to illustrate your point, or do you already have a collection of spaceships?

Looking through those pictures, I see hat you mean, I think! I can indeed move the foot to one side since its all connected but not connected to the leg.

I’ll give it a go.

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:laughing: I do actually have a couple of spacecraft laying about but had to make that one special, as it doesn’t fit the theme I’m modeling them to. Glad I could help.

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