Dividing Input mouse delta with world delta seconds

These are pretty complicated to understand how things work. I completed this course before and I forgot everything I am trying to understand everything and practice but I couldn’t understand a lot if things from this and previous video. Would it be a problem if I memorize or copy all BP to setup controller and mouse rotation in the future when I need?

I copied and pasted to blueprintue. A website to retrieve copied blueprints from there. I named the title as rotate character with mouse. I hope in the future I will only copy and paste without hassle to rotate pawns

All lack of math issues are leads me to take math online course. As soon as I finish this course I will get start to math course finish it and get here, do everything from scratch without copy paste. I can copy and solve this rotation problem but to be a gamedev, one way or another I have to learn math. I am in computer programming course in college and I am sure I will benefit all of OOP and math calculations. Not going to be easy but it has to be done.

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