Ditched ClearArea

I have finally ditched the clear area script. While the concept of any open area can be the extraction point the OnTriggerStay simply isn’t reliable. Instead I have created a completely new script for LandingZone, built a small base with a landing pad. Player will have to mildly fight their way to the base, call for extraction, and then hold out for 5 minutes.

public class LandingZone : MonoBehaviour {

private bool callForHelp = false;
private InnerVoice innerVoice;

// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
    innerVoice = FindObjectOfType<InnerVoice>();

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    if (other.tag == "Player" && callForHelp == false)
        callForHelp = true;
        Debug.Log("Trigger activated, calling for Extraction");


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