Distributed rendering on remote computers

In my university there are lots of student computers with quite good hardware and also remotely available.

It’s easy to just download blender on each machine and start blender via ssh and command line (https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/command_line/arguments.html) on a multitude of machines each rendering different frames. (30 computers -> 30 times faster)

Unfortunately my artistic skills are much worse than my technical prowess. Rendering is no problem but my lamp scene still looks really boring… :frowning:

I can imagine something even more evil. Write a game app that looks for a .blend file in the cloud, renders frames at intervals to not stress the CPU and output the resulting PNG files to a public file sharing cloud. You got now a botnet just to help you rendering your files :slight_smile:

I see, good idea. Like with bitcoin mining. But doing such remote renders sounds even easier to implement. :yum:

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