Displacement (lecture 30)

There is no surface section to change the displacement status to ‘displacement and bump’. Using a Mac. Any help?


Not sure what you mean!

General Q&A note

Help us all to help you.
Please give full screenshots with any questions. With the relevant panels open.
This can be done by Blender itself, via the ‘Window’ menu bar top left-hand side.
On that menu dropdown is ‘save screenshot’.


Use f3 to search for nodes.

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There is no difference on the menus or windows tabs for a Mac.

You have not linked the post to a particular course, so we have no idea which of the many courses this relates too.

You must add a material or there will be no setting to alter.
Then, it will be in the Materials tab, settings dropdown, Surface dropdown.

It sounds like you’re using Eevee. If you switch your render engine to Cycles, the option should appear.

Changing render engine:

Selecting “displacement and bump”:


Oh good point Eevee not doing it at all. I so rarely use Eevee I had not noticed! lol.


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