[Discord] Roles

Instructor: @ben

Issue :- All roles currently have access to the @here and @everyone commands.
Solution :- Remove the permission from the standard role. (Mentions checkbox)

Nobody actually really uses it but it was mentioned that everyone can access it and its a potential spam issue.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks Mark, Iโ€™ve moved this to #lounge:site-feedback as itโ€™s about Discourse rather than a course.

I have just tested this and it seems that regular users do not have access to @everyone, can you confirm why you think they do?


I think we may be on a different page here its the discord chat server not these forums :slight_smile:

Bejasc - Yesterday at 4:57 AM
@everyone @here can we please restrict the use of these tags? thanks.

Normal user able to use those commands there.

Everyone seems disabled for Discord. Maybe @ben already got to it.

Ah, yes, I did I think. @Marc_Carlyon please close this topic if resolved.

Confirmed Ben has disabled the mentions.
Closing the thread.

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