
  • The depth this course goes to is akin to the free YouTube Unreal tutorials, only difference is that this costs money
  • This course shows you the basics of Unreal and its environment creation tools, so it is aimed mostly for people who have probably never opened Unreal, which is fine
  • The workflow this course uses is more suitable for creating a static environmental visualization image, not a video game level, which is a lot more complex to create
  • The course teacher speaks as if he isn’t sure whether he’s teaching environmental visualization or game level creation
  • The course teacher touches on the theory of level design in an extremely shallow manner, never explaining the concepts of, for example, pacing, flow, gating, environmental storytelling, composition, scale, theme, player guidance etc.
  • The course teacher touches on the subject of environmental visualization in an extremely shallow manner, never explaining what makes a good art-piece, how to play with scale, framing, color composition, telling a story with your environment etc.
  • Compared to other Unreal programming courses, which explain the theories behind the different tools and methods of programming, this course is extremely shallow, lackluster and you’d probably get more value with your time out of some YouTube tutorials
  • Ultimately, this course is basically “watch a guy brainstorm a random environment with assets that are available, also the tools work like this.”

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