Disable the loop in PathFollow2D

I accidently didn’t disable the loop in PathFollow2D

This is the path_enemy.gd

extends Path2D

@onready var path_follow = $PathFollow2D
@onready var enemy = $PathFollow2D/Enemy

func _ready():

func _process(delta):
	path_follow.progress_ratio -= 0.25 * delta
	if path_follow.progress_ratio <= 0:

When I started the main scene everything seemed fine, after the enemy left the scene it didn’t appeared again.

This is pretty easy to miss,if you run the path_enemy scene, its gonna loop and the queue_free() will never be called.

In the main scene however the same will happen, except there is a Deathzone:

So it will remove the enemy, but not the PathEnemy (Path2D) node.

EDIT in the next lesson its mentioned: Progress ratio never gets to exactly 0 or less than that

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