Directions incomplete (solved but directions in vid are still incomplete)

Directions incomplete. the building a web-gl version just leaves off with some hand - waving like “and there you have it”… Well have what exactly? I look into the builds folder I created and see nothing that I can identify as an executable file. If I click on the index file I get an error that I can’t run it from my drive.

What exactly should be copied from the builds folder? And what exactly do we link to in that zipped file that will start our game??

Hi @walshlg,

I’m working on a windows computer and I run Unity 5.5.0f3.

I created a web gl version too. When I look in the builds folder I see an index.html file + a folder “Release” + a folder “TemplateData”.

When I pressed the button “build and run” the game was opened in my chrome browser. I saw that the URL was something like “localhost:1234”. I guess there is a local web server installed which is called by this url. And then this web server brings the game to the browser and everything is ok.

When I try to open the index.html directly in a browser then - it depends… Chrome is complaing, Firefox does the job.

However, I zipped the whole build folder and uploaded it to gamebucket. And it works (at least it does in my browser… ) ->

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

So it looks like you MUST upload the entire zip folder to a page off of your computer for it to run with windows. BUT when you point to that folder (with everything zipped inside) it automatically runs. This is new to those of us that have not made webpages.

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