Dino course

This was my first successful attempt at modeling from reference and I am happy with how it ended up. Obviously, there is room for substantial improvement and I am excited to get better at modeling. What do you guys think?


Welcome back.

Fine looking dinosaur and scenery. Perhaps add eyes and teeth? As a bit extra to add.

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Thanks, I didn’t hold my tradition of “above and beyond” as I did on the Island project because I wanted to use the newly acquired modeling skills on my solo project to get better at modeling. So far I am modeling wolf. There is still a lot of work to be done but there is a start. What do you think?


Like the details like small curve on dino tongue, or fingers on upper extremities. But looking forward to see your wolf model. It would be on totally different level :slight_smile:

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Thank you. I am looking forward to it too, so far the face looks like a bear so it might turn out to be a bearwolf :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The fur is doing a lot of volume especially in neck area. To reduce it you can estimate few centimeters in the area diameter and shrink it…but it only based on estimation. If you compare some pictures of a small dog and naked dog in same size…you will have better idea.

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A very respectable dino, and the wolf is coming along nicely as well!

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Wolf is looking good, you found some very helpful drawings to use there.

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It remainds me that wolf from 300, where young king Leonidas is hunting in the dark winter scene.

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I love that movie, only movie that made me cry honestly. I saw it long ago but I can still recall the scene that you are talking about. :+1:

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