Difficulty playing my platformer

I just probably suck at video games. :roll_eyes:

So I built this, and for the life of me I cannot guide my character to jump across the platforms. I noticed when the instructor introduces this section at the beginning (with a voiceover of the game playing) he has the same difficulty. The game character drops to the floor.

I keep finding that after my first jump (where the character jumps up and over a big gap) the next jump just kind of falls flat. The character jumps down between the gap.

Iโ€™ve tried 30 times, and I donโ€™t know what Iโ€™m doing wrong here. :frowning:

And note that I can clear the first jump, the one with the wider gap, its the second jump that I just cannot get across.

Sorry, I thought I replied to this post yesterday.

Could you show a video of what you mean?

Hi Dan - thanks for the response. This. Just over and over.

I play a lot of games - mostly RTS and Adventure games. I have played some Z:BotW and HZD but these jumping games are a struggle.

Is there some trick Iโ€™m missing?

That looks like you stop pressing forwards which will pretty much stop you dead in the air. You need to continuing holding forwards.

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