Different Solution

My way…

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I actually arrived to the same thing:

	FVector ObjectPos = GetOwner()->GetActorLocation();
	FString ObjectPosString = ObjectPos.ToString(); 

or in a simplified way:

	FString ObjectPos = GetOwner()->GetActorLocation().ToString();

BUT!, there is a catch in there… When we do GetActorLocation, we return the Location filed olf the Transform, which is one field of the whole Transform struct.

By using Ben’s method,

	FString ObjectPos = GetOwner()->GetTransform().GetLocation().ToString();

you eventually have access not just Location field but Rotation and Scale fields, perhaps before .ToString(), you could use a Set method that allow you to change any parameter of the Transform during runtime. In this case, it is usefull to use ToString in a subsequence statement, just to print out in console any transition of the Transform.

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