Difference between using AActor::TakeDamage and multi-cast delegate

In the previous section we have used the next approach to apply and take damage with using dynamic multi-cast delegate
GetOwner()->OnTakeAnyDamage.AddDynamic(this, &UHealthComponent::DamageTaken);

But in this section we are using TakeDamage in Actor class. What is the difference of this approaches and how to understand which one should I use?

UPD: Maybe with using multi-cast delegate I can subscribe any object to receive that damage and with Actor::TakeDamage I can only use damage only for this actor?

Still waiting for any answer…

Hi @Eugene_Mehkedov

You have posted this in the ‘Unity Courses’ section. You will probably get more answers if you edit your post and move it to the ‘Unreal Courses’ section

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