Difference between AddDynamic & AddUniqueDynamic?

I have tried to find it on google, UE4 wiki, answer and forum but still can’t figure out what difference between them although they have same result. Actually, I can’t find anything that relate to AddUniqueDynamic.
Sorry about my bad English!


Consider the following fabricated situations :

Situation 1 :
Tank->OnTankDeath.AddDynamic(this, &ATankPlayerController::OnTankDeath);
Tank->OnTankDeath.AddDynamic(this, &ATankPlayerController::OnTankDeath);

Situation 2 :
Tank->OnTankDeath.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &ATankPlayerController::OnTankDeath);
Tank->OnTankDeath.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &ATankPlayerController::OnTankDeath);

If you were to then call : OnTankDeath.Broadcast();

For situation 1 , ATankPlayerController::OnTankDeath would be invoked or called twice.
For situation 2 , ATankPlayerController::OnTankDeath would be invoked or called only once.

Essentially AddUniqueDynamic adds the dynamic delegate only if it isnt already present in the list of invocable dynamic delegates associated with OnTankDeath.


Thank you very much! Now I have a better understanding of delegate system :smiley:

I had the same thught. And finding anything online about it is a pain. Just curious on how would we get to it on our own?

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