Did some extra

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This sort of detail seems to be something that will take a lot of experimentation until a feel for it has been developed. I kept doing things in reverse of what I wanted so kept repeating the process over and over again. I did also go down to the ankle and put some creases there. Tried to get the ankle bone to be expressed a bit as well.

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Looks very good. My main problem with doing it is the low polyness, just not able to do much detailing. I am still sticking more or less to Grant’s lack of polygons. Looking forward hopefully to applying the sub div so the extra verts are available to use!


The urge of adding loops is so strong. I feel you :woozy_face:

@Michael_Legrande Looks good, maybe the crease under the knee is a little too much pushed down.


I agree. Fixed the knee. This is a symptom that was discuss during the lecture. Spend too much time looking at something you become blind to things that need to be fixed. Also a good reason to post often and get additional feedback. The wife has gotten to the point of nodding and saying “looks nice” whenever I show her something. I guess I need to put fireworks in the background to impress her now.


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