Did it feel like this whipped through the layout?

Usually after a challenge, they’ll go through and say, “Okay, here’s how I did mine.”

I had a pretty clunky-looking UI layout with buttons that kept spilling out of their elements, and the instructor’s looked polished as all get out, so I was feeling pretty great about getting to learn specifically how to make all the layout bits fall in line.

Annnnd then nothing. :slight_smile:

Hey - coming back to let folks know it looks like he absolutely covers that stuff later in more depth, as he adds one element at a time.

Should have known he’d get back to it! These series have all been top notch so far (was literally recommending it to folks today). Just felt like we jumped past a critical step without calling it out.

Onwards! :slight_smile:

I’m glad you’re enjoying the course! I love the new UI system, though I’ve found that like the old one, sometimes getting the elements to behave and play nice together can be tricky. My first few attempts were fairly clunky looking as well. With practice, you’ll start to see what works and what doesn’t.

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