Diary of My Animated Lamp Journey

Working on the shaders for the Lamp.
I do have an issue , when using the Anisotropic BSDF shader and view it in Material Preview the selected parts show up pink , BUT when I look in rendered it works fine.
I did find that I could set the RGB to give a copper look to parts.
One thing I’m going to have to do is look back over the shadows VoD’s because for the life of me I cant remember how to adjust the shadows lol.
Anyway , here are the latest renders and screen shots.


Never used that shader. but might it be needing a uv map, perhaps the default sphere does not suit the shape?Blender Manual


The only reason I even thought of using it , was it was suggested in the blender course I’m following. Otherwise I’d not of even thought to use it.
It’s not a big issue , as I have been mostly viewing in the rendered mode :innocent:


The scene progresses .


Adding in wear to the edges.
I initially had the base, shade and arms all set using the same material, BUT when I was playing the amount of wear on various parts was more than on others. So ended up making 3 different materials and adjusting each individually


Working on the lights now.
I tried out all the different suggestions from the course and decided to reduce the emmission level of the bulb to around 15 , so ir shows a lit bulb and then use a spot light parented to the shade armature.
So ill get a IRL light source and a glowing bulb


Simplicity is the key!
lamps with a lot of different colours, generate a lot of colour combinations.
Which makes the scene flat.

Ive done my 1st animated render of the Lamp , I’ve used just one camera , but moved the camera through out the shot. I think I need to add a couple of extra cameras to get the look and feel that I want.
Im also not 100% happy with the animation, but I think that will improve when I have adjusted the transitions in the graph editor. Also this was a low(er) quality render , as I worked out the 4k render will take over 3 hrs, so Ill do that over night lol. I think it also needs some sound to add to the atmospherics, but thats something I need to look into .


You can show a youtube movie directly in this forum. Just copy the tiny URL in your text message.
Fun movie!

ahhh thanks for that , I had tried before but it didnt work . I must of mis clicked something

Yes, I know. A space in or after the URL can break something, Check your preview panel, right of the message panel id succeeds or not.

The continuing adventures of Lamp, Okay so I finally finished the animation of my Lamp,
Created using blender 2.91.
1050 frames, 1920x1080 , 128 samples
I did have some issues with rendering initially but I manage to resolve them . I will only say If rendering out an animation DOUBLE, no TRIPLE check you haven’t left an image sequence in the video editor , enough said lol.

So here it is , what you have all been waiting for … LAMP : The Movie

Keep a look out for more adventures of Lamp in the future (maybe)


Great film.

Clever lamp controlling that ball.

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