Dialog Editor with ChatGPT

Since I’m new to Unity and since I’m working on my first Unity project, I wanted to know how to introduce dialog in the most efficient way possible. So I took the “Unity Dialogue & Quests” course, and I found it to be extremely helpful, also learning a good deal about the Unity IDE in the process. However, I had an idea for a possible way to enhance the dialog editor with the use of GPT (and possibly ChatGPT in the future):

I’m curious for feedback, since I’m just starting out. Does this seem like a worthwhile pursuit? If so, what changes or additional features could make it better?

This does look intriguing, and I can see using something like this as a way to generate dialogue in production. I’m not as sure about using it for runtime generative, simply because in my limited experience, sometimes ChatGPT doesn’t answer, answers in a non-responsive way, or worse, could answer in an innappropriate way (there are some expressions ChatGPT might give that may seem amusing or innocuous to most of the rest of us, but are downright swear words in London’s East End).

So far, my own forays into Generative AI have been in making artwork.

Thanks for the feedback! Of course, I agree - any ChatGPT usage for dialog in runtime tends to veer towards disaster. In fact, on random tests, it gets confused as to which character should speak next, even though I’ve prompted it. Sometimes, it even forgets which character that it’s supposed to be playing. :slight_smile:

Since I’m an absolute novice with artwork (though I’m trying to take courses and improve that one), I’m probably nowhere ready to use GAI with art. Maybe one day…in the meantime, I’ll probably keep working on my enhancement to Sam’s editor in my spare time, with the hopes of it being an actual tool someday.

Generative images are actually relatively easy, although the AIs seem to have problems with basic anatomy like the number of fingers on a hand. It usually takes me a few tries with a given prompt to get an image the way I need it.

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