DevLog: SpaceLog

DevLog: SpaceLog

I decided to start doing a little DevLog thing. It’s nothing special.

Basically I’m using a program called Blue Recorder (Linux) to take some short screencasts.

Most of them are around 30 seconds or less…just a quick demo of whatever got changed after the lesson.

This is where I’m at right now.

I’ll tell you why I’m doing this…

After completing several of these game tutorials a few years ago, and after a couple of hard drive crashes and such, I realized that I had nothing at all to show for it except the frustration of starting all over again.

I mean, I can’t even show a potential employer what I know (or have forgotten, rather).

The simple clips go into a YouTube playlist for each game. That shows a history of progress moving forward.

When I get additional ideas for things that I want to do, I can write it in the notes and use the video notes as a check-list of to-do items. As I continue through the course, I’ll learn new things that I can go back and apply to older games.

For example, I want to add ten levels, sounds, and a splash screen to my Obstacle Course game. Those are in my check-list in the DevLog notes. As I learn those new items in other parts of the the course, I’ll go back and add them to that game.

This also gives me a feeling that I’m developing something unique, and not just finishing a tutorial and leaving it to move on to the next one.

It also helps me get ideas for how know when I want to make a final build and pick a release date.

Anyway, more than anything, it’s some sort of progress tracker. I also post the links to LinkedIn and Twitter (X) so other people can see the progress.

Anyway, that’s all…just show and tell.

Side note:

If you don’t allow embedding like you see here, then the video won’t play on external sites like this one.

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