Development Tools - Storyboard and Idea(s) Tools

Hello to everyone,

I am new to game development and I was just wondering, Is there a free tool online or a free app that you guys use to design/storyboard some game idea?

Kind of like Trello, but with photos, links that I can gather online, when I am thinking some idea.

I was thinking some big canvas where we can add pictures, comments on those pictures and also web links if nescessary. Associating the pictures via arrows and/or symbols would be nice.

Thank you in advance

Miro might be right up your alley, even if the free version can be limiting.

Thank you.

I once saw a quick video on storyboarding for game development, but did not noted the name of the app they were showing.

I think Miro is the one.

I will compare it against the following alternatives

To see which one I will eventually use

Thanks again

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