Destroy(this); discussion

When I created the Block.cs script with Unity 2020.3.13.f1, the auto-generated code was the following.

    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)

Out of curiosity, I tried it and as I expected it did not work. According to the documentation

Destroy(this); removes this script instance from the game object

So I was wondering what will be a valid case to do this? I can only think of freeing some memory if the script allocates a lot of memory for whatever reason but I am not entirely convinced that this is the most common scenario.

Thank you.

Hi Angelos,

Destroy(this); destroys the current script instance. To be honest, I cannot come up with any example where it could make sense to destroy a component apart from “freeing some memory”. :confused:

Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students over on our Discord chat server.

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