Design Patterns based on RPG 2D course

RPG 2D course is really good showing some good techniques. The Teaching style is very good. That said I would re-do the course a second or a third time to grok the concepts because its dense with techniques.

@Stephen_Hubbard Wish you would create a supplementary or advanced course using the 2D RPG course as a base, to teach Design Patterns in C#/Unity. The current Design patterns course is good, but the examples would have been better if they were based of the code base of an existing course.

Kind of you to say! Ty. The thought has definitely crossed my mind to make a more hands programming patterns course with practical examples. Would be a fun one!

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Indeed, it covers a lot of interesting stuff, but the implementation has a more I’d call “lightweight” approach in order to focus more on the content techniques.
A followup course that would build upon it and refactor it to be “more production ready” would be great!

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