DeprojectScreenPositionToWorld is used to convert 2D screen position to World Space 3D positionand direction !!
What are the equations, processes or formulas controlling that conversion?
For example:
DeprojectScreenPositionToWorld(CrosshairScreenPosition.X, CrosshairScreenPosition.Y,OutWorldLocation, OutWorldDirection)
- When Crosshair ScreenPosition equals X=666.000 Y=132.000
- Then the OutWorldLocation was X=1798.315 Y=8483.038 Z=-5517.866
- And the OutWorldDirection was X=0.995 Y=0.002 Z=0.097
So from where did OutWorldLocation and OutWorldDirection get these values?
Another question, OutWorldDirection values, X=0.995, what does that mean? same thing of Y=0.002 and Z=0.097 ? What is the relation of that strange numbers and the direction?