Demon Orc

This is my orc with some alphas. Textures arent pernament but tell me if you like a green classic orc or a red demon orc better

Green Orc

Red Orc

Also what do you think is better the muscly orc at this stage in development or the fat one at this stage

The fat one


Both look good, perhaps there are sub species of Orc? All red Orcs are muscly, all green ones tend to fatness, if well fed!

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Thanks I think I will keep a save file of the model before I get into painting and then make both

very cool

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The fat orc looks better to me at the current stage.
I can’t decide between the green or red.

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I prefer the face of the fat one. That bulge!

Red one. Or try a different color for comparison. Orange, blue, pink, grey.

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