Delivery Driver 3D

Hi Everyone!

I recently jumped back into these courses and decided to challenge myself by converting some of the 2D courses into 3D, with mobile controls added for fun! I started with the Delivery Driver course, and it was such a blast. Going back through these lessons really helped solidify my understanding, and I felt confident enough to add some new features! Mobile touch controls didn’t transition well to a WebGL build so I did remove them for the web build. It was an exercise for 3d mobile so I also changed the controls a bit. Most mobile car games I looked up had the vehicle always accelerating and you control the steering and braking so that was the mechanics I implemented for driving.

Here’s what I added:

  • A Navigation Arrow to show the direction of packages and delivery locations.
  • Render Textures to display UI elements in 3D.
  • WorldSpace Canvas to create floating UI text (Huge thanks to the Discord community for their help with that!).

The core gameplay remains the same, pick up a package and deliver it, but I changed how you get the booster: you get a speed boost for a short duration when you grab a package, and if you hit something, you’ll slow down for a short time.

The goal is to deliver 5 packages and you’re done! I had such a great time building this, and I learned a ton along the way.

Delivery Driver 3D |


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