Deleting the Library Folder

Not sure about deleting the library folder. Doing so caused me to have to re-associate the assets for the project. It took me a while to figure out that because my terminal asset was outside of my project folder, it wasn’t being automatically restored. I had originally as instructed simply imported it from the source folder.

I recommend that you change the course to say, “Zip the project folder up, then go ahead and remove the library folder from the zip file in order to save space on GitHub or for whomever you may be sending your project sources.”

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I have to agree. I’m not sure exactly why, but deleting the library folder from my project, and then launching it again has caused my scene to vanish. I don’t mean renamed back to the default, but just straight up gone - which is a shame!

For anyone else who has had the same issue, simply running the .unity Scene in the assets folder (not in unity but in file explorer) has reassociated everything back up again!

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