Deleting the ground inside the well?

So, I have the well with secret staircase inside, & it intersects the ground plane. How do I delete the ground plane area that lies within the circumference of the well? It seems like a Boolean operation but I tried it, & it didn’t work. Please advise.
Also, here’s my tunnel lighting.

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Looking cool!

Yeah you want a boolean, but you need a separate object to represent where you want to the hole to be. You can think of it kind of like a drill bit.

Here’s my ground plane with the cylinder I will use to cut the hole.
2020-07-03 11_45_00-Blender
You can see it’s intersecting with the plane by the yellow outline.

Add a boolean to the object you want to have the hole in it (the floor). Choose the cylinder as the boolean object.
2020-07-03 11_45_24-Photos

Make sure that “operation” = “difference”. That’s the default value so you should be good there.

Then hide your cylinder, and uncheck that camera icon too, to make sure it doesn’t show up in your render:

2020-07-03 11_45_47-Photos



thanks, I was deleting the cylinder rather than hiding it, that got it.


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