Delegates Not working


I am kind of desperate since I do not know how to debug my issue. the delegate does not work, except in my ExperienceDisplay script:

namespace RPG.Stats
    public class PlayerExperienceDisplay : MonoBehaviour
        PlayerExperience playerExperience;
        BaseStats baseStats;
        void Awake() 
            playerExperience= GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerExperience>();
            baseStats = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<BaseStats>();
        void Start()
            GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = String.Format("{0}, XP:{1}", baseStats.CalculateLevel(), playerExperience.GetExperienceForDisplay());
            playerExperience.onExperienceGained += UpdateExperienceDisplay;
        void UpdateExperienceDisplay() 
            GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text= String.Format("{0}, XP:{1}", baseStats.CalculateLevel(),playerExperience.GetExperienceForDisplay());

It is the only place where I successfully implemented it.
In BaseStats, Nothing happens when I actually level up (UpdateLevel() does not execute at all). I looked up and down the commit, I compared my scripts to no avail.
Here is BaseStats

namespace RPG.Stats
    public class BaseStats : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] int startingLevel= 1;
        [SerializeField] CharacterClass characterClass;
        [SerializeField] Progression progression= null;
        [SerializeField] GameObject levelUpParticleEffect= null;
        int currentLevel= 0;
        public event Action onLevelPromotion;
        void Sart() 
            currentLevel= CalculateLevel();
            PlayerExperience playerExperience = GetComponent<PlayerExperience>();
            if (playerExperience != null)
                playerExperience.onExperienceGained += UpdateLevel;
        private void UpdateLevel()
            int newLevel= CalculateLevel();
            if(newLevel > currentLevel)
                currentLevel= newLevel;

        private void TriggerPromotion()
            if(levelUpParticleEffect!= null)

        public int GetLevel()
                currentLevel= CalculateLevel();
            return currentLevel;

        public float GetStatValueFromBaseStats(Stats stats)
            return progression.GetStatValueFromProgression(stats, characterClass, GetLevel());
        public int CalculateLevel()
            PlayerExperience playerExperience = GetComponent<PlayerExperience>();
            if(playerExperience== null) return startingLevel;

            float currentXP = playerExperience.GetExperienceForDisplay();
            // the penultimateLevel is how many levels in total we  can have. maxLevel would be penultimateLevel+1
            int penultimateLevel = progression.GetLevelsFromStat(Stats.ExperienceRequiredToLevelUp, characterClass);
            for (int level = 1; level < penultimateLevel; level++)
                float XPToLevelUp = progression.GetStatValueFromProgression(Stats.ExperienceRequiredToLevelUp, characterClass, level);
                if (XPToLevelUp > currentXP)
                    return level;
            return penultimateLevel + 1;

My experience script:

namespace RPG.Stats
    public class PlayerExperience : MonoBehaviour, ISaveable
        [SerializeField] float experience= 0;
        public delegate void ExperienceGainedDelegate();
        public event ExperienceGainedDelegate onExperienceGained;
        // public event Action onExperienceGained;

        public void GainExperience(float experiencePoints)
            experience += experiencePoints;
            if(onExperienceGained!= null)
        public float GetExperienceForDisplay()
            return experience;
        public object CaptureState()
           return experience;
        public void RestoreState(object state)
            experience= (float)state;

and my Health script, which does nothing either when I level up

namespace RPG.Attributes
    public class Health : MonoBehaviour ,ISaveable
        BaseStats baseStats;
        float maxHealth= -1f;

        bool isDead= false;
        public bool IsDead{get{return isDead;}}
        void Start() 
            GetComponent<BaseStats>().onLevelPromotion += RewardWithHeal;
            if(baseStats != null)
                baseStats.onLevelPromotion += RewardWithHeal;
        float GetMaxHealth()
            if (maxHealth < 0)
                maxHealth = GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStatValueFromBaseStats(Stats.Stats.Health);
            return maxHealth;
        void RewardWithHeal()
            // float regeneratedHealth= maxHealth += ((GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStatValueFromBaseStats(Stats.Stats.Health))/4);
            // maxHealth= Mathf.Min(regeneratedHealth,GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStatValueFromBaseStats(Stats.Stats.Health) );
            maxHealth = GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStatValueFromBaseStats(Stats.Stats.Health);


        public float GetHealthForDisplay()
            return (maxHealth/GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStatValueFromBaseStats(Stats.Stats.Health)) * 100;

        public void TakeDamage(GameObject instigator,float damage)
            maxHealth= Mathf.Max(maxHealth-damage, 0);
            // print(currentHealth);
            if(maxHealth<= 0)
                if(instigator != null)
        private void TriggerDeath()
            if(isDead) return;
            GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().enabled= false;
            isDead = true;

        void RewardExperience(GameObject killer)
            if (killer.gameObject.tag != "Player") return;
            float experienceToReward = GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStatValueFromBaseStats(Stats.Stats.ExperienceReward);
            PlayerExperience playerExperience= killer.GetComponent<PlayerExperience>();
            if(playerExperience == null) return;

        public object CaptureState()
            return maxHealth;

        public void RestoreState(object state)
            maxHealth = (float) state;
            if (maxHealth <= 0)

So frustrated with myself. I need help please

I can’t believe It took me HOURS to figure this out !

instead of Start… like the the cool kids say: “Bruh…”

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