Definitely not a walk cycle

So… I went off script again… In case it’s not apparently that’s a regular thing for me. Meet my first ever humanoid animation on my first ever humanoid sculpt, manual-retopo, paint, and rig. I… didn’t have a reference for the animation. I did however completely lose it several times while posing and reviewing, causing my hubby to look over and wonder what the fudge was going on.


Looks amazing, I love how smooth the animation is, and the camera angles are perfect!

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Thanks! Was fun trying to figure out how to get the limbs to go where I wanted them. There was a lot of just clicking random controllers and moving/rotating to see what would happen. I know it’s probably not the cleanest animation (some of the weights for example I know definitely need to get redone for some parts, if I were to move them more dramatically), and I can definitely see some pinching and such. But for my first attempt ever… I’m so beyond happy with it. Before these tutorials, I had some minor experience in old school modeling (not sculpting), but had never done anything this complete, and had never touched animation.

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Yeah it’s amazing what you can do after a simple tutorial, keep pushing and you’ll get even better models!

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Its very hard to make realistic animations by hand! (And first and jest tool for animators is a big mirror :wink: ) This is very good animation!

Ofc, now its fairly popular to use motion capture, because how complex the realistic movement and animation is, but this is not always possible or wanted choice, and what you did is fantastic excercise, performed really very well. Good job!


Yeah, I mirrored and duplicated a LOT for this dance cycle! I also kept getting up and miming some of the keys to see which side of my hips, for example would be tilted up. I think there was probably only 6-7 individual poses/keyframes that I did for this. Everything else was mirrored and/or duplicated. It let me try and be as perfectionist as I felt possibl4e on those 6-7 poses though! Lots of scrubbing back and forth to make sure things were looking right.

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Your orc looks amazing

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Very good movement.

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Great job!!

There’s something really special about making your own 3D models dance :heart:

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