Debugging Help

Quick noob question.

I set a breakpoint on: BCGame.Reset();
I then step into using F11, which takes me to the .CPP file under the Reset() section.
Soon as I step into the next line of: const FString HIDDEN_WORD = “plane”;

The debugger goes off inside this: std::basic_string <_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc> Looks like some internal header file.

How do I only step through the code I have written without going into these internal headers while debugging?


Use F10 to ‘step over’ one line at a time, and use F11 when you want to step into a function call (usually one that you’ve defined).

I got so used to just being able to just F8 through my code with VB6 & VB.Net I just thought something was missing from my VS setup. I understand now. Thanks for the reply.

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