Debug menu- mobile game development

Im having trouble with the mobile game development course. I cant get the debug menu console to be invisible. I have gone a bit ahead in the course and it is not showing anything with the

“add_log_msg” function.

Based on

and this post being in Other Course - Ask, I’m assuming you’re doing the Godot Mobile course (there’s one for Unity as well).

If you are indeed talking about visibility, this is just a toggle:

  • In the Scene Tree, click the eye to toggle visibility
  • In the Inspector, it’s a property you can untick under CanvasItem–>Visibility–>Visible
  • In code, it’s [node].visible = [true | false]

If you’re talking about opacity, then in this course, you can set that in the BlackBG ColorRect’s Inspector at ColorRect–>Color by changing the A (alpha) value to something less than 255. As seen in the video, Kaan uses a value of 170 for this.

The first thing to do is to try simply print()ing that output to ensure there is nothing wrong with the control flow of your game (ie the function is being called when you expect it to be, etc). If that works, I would then put some test text in your LogLabel (using the Label–>Text textbox in the LogLabel’s Inspector) to ensure it can actually be seen when you run the game. If both of those are fine, it should then just be a matter of double-checking that the syntax of the add_log_msg() function’s definition is the same as the video (or otherwise following the same logic).

This should cover just about everything; good luck!

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