DataTypes are white in VSC?

Just got a new Laptop for UE5 running Windows 11.

After installing everything and reviewing these lectures, I’ve noticed that when declaring Variables in VSC header files, data types seem to stay in white. Compiling seems to work and UPROPERTYs are showing in UE5 but just seems odd. Maybe this is an IntelliSense issue? Not sure if this is cause for concern or not.

notice int32 and FVector toward the bottom of the screenshot

Please adivise, Thanks!

What theme wre you using? Also please don’t dupe.

Don’t know what a theme is. Not sure what I’ve duped either. I did report another error having to do with bringing over a project from another computer. The issue in this post was with a brand new file created on the new computer. I have no idea whether these are separate or the same issue. Sorry for the newb confusion.

btw, the “float” data type shows in blue as expected as does “int” without the 32 designation. “Double” and “bool” also show in blue. But FVector, FRotator, AActor, Int32 or Int64 do not turn blue.

Themes control the look of VS Code, you pick one when you start up VS Code for the first time. You can change it via File > Preferences > Color Theme or via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + K. Ctrl + T.

Thanks Dan, yeah changing themes doesn’t make any difference. Maybe this is another Intellisense bug? As I mentioned, the code appears to compile ok both from VSC and with UE Live Coding, but it seems very strange that some datatypes are being recognized in VSC and others are not. It seems to me that this wouldn’t have anything to do with aesthetic VSC view modes and more to do with library linking (whatever that might be referred to technically).

Yeah, its problems like this is why I refuse to write code in unreal without visual assist x; which is only for visual studio 2022, or rider by jet brains the latter being far superior. You can acutely see the changes to your upropertys inside your blueprints right there in the ide. On top of that the unreal macro suggestions are a life saver. Plus they have a monthly subscription model that gets cheaper if you don’t miss payments. Where whole tomatoes visual assist x is like $120 every year, and its a pain in the butt to get the activation key for it; you have to go to another site make an account its a mess. If you’re serious about development in unreal I suggest looking into one of these. I personally suggest rider.

it has a free 30 day trial.
Rider: The Cross-Platform .NET IDE from JetBrains

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Thanks! Will look at Rider - keeps coming up online so clearly a good tool. Anything that keeps the variance of what could be not working correctly would be massively helpful.

It is an amazing too. It will speed up your development 10-fold. Everyone I’ve seen is swapping over to it Unity devs and Unreal devs. You can create unreal classes right there in the ide also; you don’t have to use the class wizard in the editor. When you rename a class it puts a redirect in the .ini file for you so your project doesn’t break. There is a lot of things that makes your life easier. There is some good tut’s that will get you started with it on youtube.

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The types that aren’t coloured are user defined types, the ones that are are built-in. Are you sure you hav the C/C++ extension installed and enabled?

yeah the extensions are installed. For reasons that are completely mysterious to me, everything is suddenly working today. I did nothing overnight other than put the machine to sleep. No idea why the change in behavior.

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