Darts board fibre material

After almost finishing my Complete Blender Creator 3 course here, I wanted to model a darts board as my first own 3d model. I already learnt a lot about auto mirror and skin modifier :slight_smile: However, when trying to build my material for the board such that it looks like a sisal fibre material, I didn’t find the right way to generate the material. Here how my current prototype looks like:

Any suggestions on how I could build the fibre material?

Thanks a lot in advance!


I googled some images of sisal boards, I would say they look like simple noise texture really. Plus unless you are very close up It will be barely noticeable.
What you have looks too strong by the images I saw.


You can start by increasing the roughness near 1.
And give the metal a metal factor and lower roughness.

I do not know how you made the red/green/white colors.
I expect it is a bitmap.
Then use Krita/Gimp/Photoshop to make a sisal fibre using bump/glossy/normal/… maps.

Or download many textures from the web.

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Thanks for the replies! Yes, I tried out the noise texture but was not very happy with the result because it was barely visible. But I guess I need to learn more how to tune the parameters and normals from those generated textures. I tried to combine it with a wave texture to get some structure in it and used an overlay to get the right color:

I did not use any bitmaps because my photoshop skills are not too good and I wanted to avoid making my own board texture :slight_smile:


It looks real good for a your first model on your own. Regarding the colors, I would remove the direct light, which may be washing out part of your colors and texture, and would try to tilt it. For a start, I would also make it sure that you don’t have sheen added, to see the colors right.

Out of this, for your texture, I would try with some fine-grained cork mat (something like this: Cork Wood PBR Material - Texture Download), just using your own color instead of the color image of the texture, keeping the rest of the texture and working on the scale until you get a convincing surface; this should allow you to use exactly the same texture with different colors. I have a cheap dart board and it is made of cork, so it may work as an easy solution… :woman_facepalming: :wink:


Good looking model.

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Thanks a lot for all the responses! I played with all the suggestions here, watched some nice Youtube tutorial for procedural materials, changed the lighting and added numbers to the board. I am not 100% satisfied with the wire material, but overall it already looks much better imho:

Thanks a lot! I plan to add some Darts as well together with some animation. I also want to add some smoky environment (like in a bar). Any suggestions how to do this?


Search the web for smoke on a black background.
Ad image plane and make black as input for transparent material.

The position on the lamp(s) is a bit strange casting the shadows bottom up.
Give the lamp(s) a size for softer shadows.

Add a lamp nearby the camera, so that the metal reflects the light into the camera (if that is what you are looking for).


Thanks for the hint with the light. Ist there a good lighting tutorial? I am more randomly guessing but I suppose there is a better was to do this :laughing:


Three point lighting is the thing to look for on the web!

Also Blender physics is based on world physics and dimensions. Like light is losing it’s power (watts) ^2. This means also that your objects needs to have real world dimensions. It is not a must! But it helps to understand how light work.

Your dartboard is hanging in a room of 5x5 meters. Placed on a wall, with a single 100w light bulb in the center of the ceiling. That is than your starting point of creating a natural looking scene.


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